Monday, June 21, 2010

MIA from Blogging & Local Influencer Payment

Hey everyone, I know I have been MIA of keeping up on what I have been earning online, but I have been trying to keep up with my classes and the amount of projects that I have to do for the summer semester in them. Anyway, I have been working on a few of my online endeavers, especially my work at home jobs which I may start posting those earnings as well.

Today, I did receive my biggest check from Local Influencer of $85.00, Yay! Proof below.

When I get time to, I will try to update my blog when possible of how I am doing. I have posted a little bit of what I have earned so far for the month of June though which is shown on the right side there. I only made $32 throughout June, but that is only from the GPT sites and some survey payments. If I include earnings from other things that I work on, I've done well for this month, in my opinion, but just adding the check that I got in the mail today with the amount I have already, I've made over $100. At the end of the month or a little after, I'll total up what I've made from all the things I do online, basically to see how much I actually did and also to show that anyone can make money online free even if you don't put a lot of time into it.